In the field of auditing services, our recommended Partner is International Consulting Team Audit Kft., with Krisztina Szaller as auditor.
Audtiting of EU Related Matters and Grants
In the case of tenders and applying for European Union support, the call for tenders or the support contract may prescribe that the tenderer supplies an auditor's certificate when applying for thefinal payment.
read more..Auditing Mergers and Aquisitions
During a reorganisation (change of company form, merger, demerger), both the planned and final statement of assets and liabilities, as well as the inventories backing these up, must be checked by an independent auditor.
read more..Auditing Change of Accounting Currency
The data in a company's annual or simplified annual report must be given in HUF or in the foreign exchange stated in the deed of foundation in accordance with the prescriptions of the Accounting Act.
read more..Due Diligence
With financial due diligence you do not just save money, in other words reduce the costs and expenses of the enterprise; you can also improve its profitability.
read more..Advising in Court Cases
Our collaborating partner is the TTG Partners Firm of Solicitors, which primarily deals with classi legal services for businesses, and especially the tasks related to the operation and activities of enterprises.
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